Hello, my name is Jeremy Kohlwes and I am running to represent the 21st Texas Congressional District.

I didn’t quite expect to be doing this. I already served 13 years in the Army Infantry, deployed to Iraq twice.

Most people would say that I have done more than enough for this great country. But there was still something in the back of my mind nagging at me.

You see, I grew up around the military. Born on an Air Force base and raised as a military brat all over the world. And there is something unique about that lifestyle. Service to country becomes a way of life and not just something you do for a few years. It becomes a part of who you are.

I was happy with where I ended up after I left the Army. I went back to college and earned two degrees, psychology and criminology. Found a great job working as a civilian law enforcement analyst for the Army. Bought a house not long ago for my family, my beautiful wife and two very rambunctious sons. But recently it didn’t quite feel right to me. I felt like there was more I could be doing.

I have watched these past several years as our country has started to head down a dangerous path. To the point that our own citizens attacked the center of our democracy in an attempt to subvert the will of the people, motivated by lies and misinformation.

I realized I couldn’t just sit by and watch all of this happening anymore. It was time to take a stand. Not just for me, but for all of us.

The current representative of the 21st has done little to nothing to help the people of Texas. He talks and he lines up in obedience with the rest of the republican party. He panders to his base in the hopes of being reelected again.

I believe that it’s time for a fundamental change in how Washington operates. In the way politicians think. We need new people on Capitol Hill. People with new ideas that aren’t stuck in doing thing the way they have always been done. And that’s where we are right now, with some representatives in Congress being there longer than most of us have been alive.

As your representative, I will stand up for you. For your families, and especially for your children. The well being of the people of the 21st district will always be my highest priority. Our founding fathers recognized that we all have certain inalienable rights, most important of these is the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

I will stand up for your right to life by fighting for expanded access to quality healthcare. No American should face bankruptcy due to an injury or illness. Or have to decide between paying their bills or buying badly needed medication.

I will stand up for you right to liberty by fighting back against the efforts to suppress your vote. We need to be expanding access to the ballot back to ensure every American’s voice can be heard.

I will stand up for your right to pursue happiness by making sure everyone has access to an affordable, quality education, whether that be through college or trade school. I will fight for everyone to be able to earn a living wage because the true path to a successful economy is a strong working class.

But I won’t be able to do this alone.

I need your help and your vote to make this happen. Please sign up to volunteer or donate to my campaign. And please help spread our campaign across social media.

I am Jeremy Kohlwes, and with your help and your vote I will represent the 21st district in a manner that you can be proud of.

Thank you.

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