My name is Rachel Goltzman. I’m a lifelong Missourian and a Richmond Heights resident since 2001. I’m a wife and mother of two MRH high school students who have been in the district since preschool. I have a Master’s degree in Social Work from Washington University in St. Louis and a post-master certification in Gestalt therapy.  During my 15 years working as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker; I served clients through my own private practice and in community care with a focus on severe mental illness, domestic violence, child abuse, and trauma.

 I retired from social work and my second career has been in business operations and finance. I worked for 11 years as an Office Manager for a small manufacturer where I was solely responsible for bookkeeping, tax preparation and human resources management. I currently work for a small accounting firm providing bookkeeping and tax preparation services for a variety of happy clients.  

 In addition to my service on the MRH Board of Education where I’ve served as President, Treasurer, Vice President and liaison to Joe’s Place and the Compensation and Benefits Task Force, I’ve been an involved MRH parent as Treasurer of the HS Booster Club, a Girl Scout leader and Cookie Manager, and an Assistant Coach with MRH Youth Sports. Beyond the school district I serve as Treasurer of the Spread Ari’s Light Foundation, a charity supporting families battling cancer. I am a practicing Jew in a loving interfaith marriage.  I have a strong connection to my faith and our community previously serving as an active volunteer and the Secretary of the Jewish Council Against Family Violence from 1999-2012.

These life experiences have prepared me for board service today. I’ve parented two kids through the Covid-19 education disruptions and am helping them find their way as adolescents in this post-Covid, technology filled world. Both of my children have non-traditional education needs and I have experience navigating from diagnosis to appropriate accommodations. I am a fierce advocate for kids and families to receive the services they need; all students deserve to be successful in school and in life.

 My social work experience helped hone my active listening skills, my ability to see the overall picture, and my focus on resolving challenges using a person’s strengths. I am a bridge builder and have excellent communication skills developed intentionally as I’ve worked to improve the experiences of a variety of individuals from patients in crisis to colleagues in business. I am the only person on the school board with accounting experience, a critical skill set to ensure our primary responsibility as stewards of the community’s tax dollars.

 My faith and experiences continue to bring diversity to the School Board and help guide my social justice values and action. I’m particularly mindful of how we ensure belonging for students and staff whose experiences may not be the same as the majority.

 During my first term on the MRH Board of Education, we have:            

  • Developed, approved, and started implementation of the District’s Strategic Plan
    • Sought broad community input through committee membership, focus groups and surveys
    • Formalized measurable goals and expectations across the district
    • Created implementation committees to ensure ongoing engagement
    • Developed a Strategic Plan dashboard to provide transparent and timely updates
  • Promoted and stewarded increased Educational Equity in the district
    • Adopted a Resolution in support of LGBTQAI+ students and staff
    • Added a director of Multi Tiered Systems of Support at no cost to the district.
    • Increased opportunities for student leadership with a football and swim co-op
  • Supported our district employees
    • Approved a 10% raise for certified staff over 2 years
    • Implemented an equitable Salary Schedule for Teachers
    • Developed the district’s first Support Staff salary schedule
    • Opened lines of communication between board and members of the teacher’s unions
    • Approved the transition to PTO, trusting employees to manage their time off
  • District and Community Partnerships
    • Liaised with Joe’s Place helping establish a new Joe’s Place Strategic Plan
    • Facilitated improvements to the Joe’s Place house and helped increase fundraising post-Covid
    • Supported the prepayment of $2M of general obligation bonds, saving the district more than $300,000
    • Approved the purchase of new Central Office space

 I am running for another term on the school board because there is more we can do together.

 I believe all students can succeed! Education is the Foundation of Our Future – Every Student in our District deserves the best education! I will prioritize continued high academic achievement for all students, and ensuring the educational needs of all students are met.

 I believe our employees make us great! We have immense talent in this district from our administration to teachers to staff. I want to continue supporting their growth, engagement and excellence. I will prioritize retaining and developing our quality administrators, educators and staff and for high quality recruitment when vacancies arise.

 I believe we are an active, robust community.  We can build more family involvement and positive engagement. I will continue to model integrity of person & discussion. I will prioritize continued good stewardship of District resources and finances, opportunities for all community voices to be heard and considered and further building community cohesion and engagement.

 I love the MRH School District and our community; I would be honored to continue sharing my passion and commitment for our children on the MRH School Board.  You may direct questions to  Thank you.

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February 14, 2024

Another Meet & Greet!

Come to our 2nd Meet & Greet, get to know us and hear the facts about the District.

Click the link for information:

March Meet & Greet

February 10, 2024

Yard Signs

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Campaign Yard Sign Request

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