Crowdpac’s mission to help Democrats win. To do that, Crowdpac has built the future of digital organizing and action taking - the one stop platform for Democrats to come together online.

Whether running for office and using the Crowdpac Campaign platform to connect with voters, or just looking for ways to get involved - giving, campaigning, social networking and taking powerful actions - Crowdpac is the answer. 

Crowdpac is the realization of years of development and millions of dollars in investment, where Democrats can come together digitally with a unified platform - offering a direct response to the takeover of our digital commons on the Right. Facebook, X, even BlueSky, are not “ours” - Crowdpac fundamentally is. Best of all Crowdpac is here now, when we need it more than ever.

Our platform is open to candidates, causes, and grassroots groups that align with the values of our community.


Crowdpac offers both a website and a mobile app platform(on iOS and Android). It serves a diverse group of users from campaign managers to candidates to supporters and voters through: 

  • Easy to use Campaign and Giving platform for the Left

  • Breaking News and Daily News Summaries

  • Community(powered by a robust and safe digital social network)

  • Coalition Building and Groups

  • Advocacy capabilities

  • Alerts and notifications

  • Media Amplification 

Crowdpac is a technology innovator guided by real world success and efficacy. We leverage AI in safe and heavily monitored ways. We keep our users' information secure and private and delegate authority to our users for what they can do with their data.

Contact Us

Please send us an email at Please direct all media inquiries to
