Why Threats Against Our Politicians Must End

Created by

Richard Kiermaier

Posted 4 years ago

Recently I wrote a blog on Crowdpac about the Military vs the Police in our society. It is referenced below and tethers in nicely to my blog today, “Why Threats Against Our Politicians Must End.” 


Today we are learning that many of our elected officials are being threatened (as seen from the AOC interview on CNN) and have to get extra security provided by the federal government in order to travel home during break.  

People value their lives and want to be safe - it’s a core tenant of a stable democracy. Qualified candidates will not want to run if their lives or their families lives are in jeopardy. What we will have left is a 3rd-world mindset where only unqualified politicians who take graft and criminals run for office.  

If you take the premise in the blog above that places like Mexico can’t find proper police because of cartel threats and couple that with the idea that long standing politicians in the US are now under threat and may quit because of violent threats, you are establishing a troubling trend in the US. A trend where only thick-skinned criminals end up running for office because they are the ones that are really the intimidators themselves.  Simply put, we will end up like Mexico, Haiti, and Venezuela - where only strong armed henchman run the government. 

So while you may not like your politician the best way to vote them in or out is through platforms like Crowdpac and at the ballot box. The alternative is third world. America is better than that! 

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