Newsom's Game: Democracy Is The Pawn

Created by

Adam Kinzinger

Posted 3 days ago

It’s been a long road since January 6th, 2021. Some of us made enormous sacrifices to hold the line against authoritarianism, knowing that standing for the truth might cost us our careers, our safety, and even our friendships. I lost my seat in Congress. Others who stood up to Trump’s lies lost far more.

So when I saw that California Governor Gavin Newsom—once seen as a leading Democratic voice against MAGA extremism—chose to platform Steve Bannon on his podcast, I was disgusted. Not surprised, perhaps, but disgusted nonetheless. He had already had Charlie Kirk on, Bannon Junior for the gen z’ers. It’s like he’s desperate to be liked by MAGA.

Let’s be clear about who Steve Bannon is. He is not a “provocative conservative” or just a “different viewpoint.” He is an unapologetic, convicted criminal who defied a congressional subpoena during the January 6th investigation. He has spent his career poisoning American democracy with conspiracy theories and encouraging lawlessness. He was at the center of Trump’s “Stop the Steal” lies and called for the destruction of the very institutions that uphold our republic.

Newsom may think this is some clever political stunt—an attempt to show that he’s open-minded, that he’s willing to talk to the other side. But what he’s really doing is legitimizing a man who has spent years working to undermine democracy itself. And for what? A few headlines? A desperate bid to stay relevant but instead torching his Presidential ambitions?

Bipartisanship is essential. I have worked across the aisle and have taken political heat for doing so. But bipartisanship does not mean legitimizing anti-democratic extremists. It does not mean giving oxygen to those who would see our democracy burn.

There’s a reason many of us put everything on the line to fight against what Steve Bannon represents. We understood that democracy isn’t a game—it’s not something you play politics with when it suits your ambitions. Newsom seems to have missed that memo.

If Gavin Newsom wants to be a leader, he should act like one. That means refusing to give a megaphone to those who seek to tear our country apart.

Some of us gave up our careers to take a stand. Others, apparently, will do anything to keep theirs.

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