Senator Chuck Grassley made his message loud and clear at Dr. Blasey Ford’s testimony: he does NOT believe women, he does NOT support survivors of sexual assault, and he will defend sexual predators, no matter what.
So we decided it was time to send our own message to Senator Chuck Grassley:
Hey Chuck -- we’re the people who worked with Mainers to raise over $1.5 million for Senator Collins’ future Democratic opponent, if she votes to confirm Kavanaugh. But after witnessing your disgusting misogyny and cruelty at Dr. Blasey Ford’s testimony, we decided to try a different approach with you:
We're not waiting for your vote. We are building a campaign to fund your future Democratic opponent.
Because Chuck has already raised $1,078,202 from lobbyists, we need to be prepared to spend big money to defeat him.
Will you fight back against rape culture in the Senate by contributing to fund Senator Chuck Grassley’s future Democratic opponent NOW, and help us match his $1,078,202 from lobbyists?
Your money will go directly to It Starts Today, where it will be held for the Democratic Nominee to run for Senate in 2022. Are you feeling infuriated? Channel that fury into action, and help us vote Grassley out in 2022.
Show your support for this campaign by endorsing it and sharing why!
Terry L Anderson endorsed
“Grassley puts the interests of the rich and elitists above those of the majority of citizens of the state of Iowa; its ...Read more
Katrina Hagen endorsed
“Because cruelty and abuse of power cannot continue to be rewarded. Because we are a nation who wants goodness, ...Read more
Pamela Wearsch endorsed
“Dr. Ford, this is for you!”
Elizabeth L Audas endorsed
“Chuck Grassley is a dinosaur with no law degree attempting to chair the Senate Judiciary Committee. He is so clearly ...Read more
Miriah Bruce endorsed
“Chuck Grassley is a stalwart supporter of rape-culture.”
Elisabeth Henning endorsed
“please start sites for the other senators as well, like graham, cornyn, mcconnell, and whoever gets John Cains's seat. ...Read more
Robin Lawler endorsed
“I endorse Fund Chuck Grassley’s Opponent because he is a misogynistic rape apologist and hypocrite hellbent on ...Read more
Bernie Leinfelder endorsed
“I loathe this man and everything he stands for.”
Lisa Campeau endorsed
“Chuck Grassley is not what anyone needs in Washington”
Arthur Ide endorsed
“Charles Grassley has never been for the worker: always Big Farms, Big Industries and against women. He barbaric way of ...Read more
September 28, 2018
Chuck Grassley just advanced Kavanaugh
Chuck Grassley just moved this sexual predator Brett Kavanaugh towards the Supreme Court by advancing him to the Senate floor.
We have to defeat this nominee and then we have to defeat Chuck Grassley.
This moment is important.
Pledge $20.22 to his future opponent now:
September 27, 2018
Chuck Grassley update
Chuck Grassley went to great lengths to avoid the appearance of badgering Dr. Ford during her testimony, even hiring a female prosecutor to hide behind to question Dr. Ford rather allow GOP Senators do it themselves.
In the end, he couldn’t hide who is he.
Seven times during Dr. Ford’s hearing Grassley interrupted, talked over, or condescended to women:
1. He interrupted Senator Feinstein’s (D-CA) opening remarks.
2. He scolded Senator Feinstein for bringing up allegations from Kavanaugh accusers.3. He interrupted the female prosecutor he selected to question Dr. Ford when she went over time, breaking his own rule.
4. Grassley then had the gall to accus Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) of “rudely” interrupting him when she was simply making a point of order!
5. When Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) ...Read more
Campaign created!
Show your support for this campaign by endorsing it and sharing why!
Nicholas Yang endorsed
Caleb Childers endorsed
Terry L Anderson endorsed
“Grassley puts the interests of the rich and elitists above those of the majority of citizens of the state of Iowa; its ...Read more
Katrina Hagen endorsed
“Because cruelty and abuse of power cannot continue to be rewarded. Because we are a nation who wants goodness, ...Read more
Pamela Wearsch endorsed
“Dr. Ford, this is for you!”
Cathy Daniels endorsed
James Vallejos endorsed
Jennifer Williams endorsed
Elizabeth L Audas endorsed
“Chuck Grassley is a dinosaur with no law degree attempting to chair the Senate Judiciary Committee. He is so clearly ...Read more
Al Charak endorsed
Corinne Lyle endorsed
Ralph Ray endorsed
Delilah M Grovum endorsed
Miriah Bruce endorsed
“Chuck Grassley is a stalwart supporter of rape-culture.”
Elisabeth Henning endorsed
“please start sites for the other senators as well, like graham, cornyn, mcconnell, and whoever gets John Cains's seat. ...Read more
Amanda Hilden endorsed
Donna Joe endorsed
Donald Chartier endorsed
Lonny Baumholz endorsed
Matt Smith endorsed
Clifford Watts endorsed
Mara Todisco endorsed
Persio Bencosme endorsed
Lynn Nolan endorsed
Robin Lawler endorsed
“I endorse Fund Chuck Grassley’s Opponent because he is a misogynistic rape apologist and hypocrite hellbent on ...Read more
Bernie Leinfelder endorsed
“I loathe this man and everything he stands for.”
Lisa Campeau endorsed
“Chuck Grassley is not what anyone needs in Washington”
Audrey Wessling endorsed
Patti Payne endorsed
Arthur Ide endorsed
“Charles Grassley has never been for the worker: always Big Farms, Big Industries and against women. He barbaric way of ...Read more