This is a write-in campaign for an Independent candidate not affiliated with any party.


Friends after 240 years the American Democracy has shown that it is at a dead end. Each party over 240 years has learned how to manipulate the government such that it shuts down. It really is incredible that there have been 3 shutdowns this year. And it is also mind-boggling that one issue and $5 billion dollars has closed the government.

I have created the only solution that will permanently break any future gridlocks. First, the Electoral College must go. You cannot have a Democracy that operates on anything less than the majority rules. When you skew that principle in any way, then you put a crack in the foundation of any Democracy. The Electoral College allows a candidate to take the office of President who is not backed by the majority of the voters. If you think about that for a nano-second you have to ask: WHAT ????. We had an election just like in kindergarten and the loser won. Is that possible?

Without the Electoral College, 80% of the chaos that has existed for the last two years would not have occurred. Democrats, the majority of the voters against Trump, have a right to attack the Trump Presidency on every issue because he does not represent the majority view.

Even with the Electoral College out of the Constitution, there is still a problem of one party having the House, Senate and White House. The tendency is to take advantage of that majority and stop compromising. Then when the opposite party becomes the majority in the House, Senate and White House, they extract payback and reverse the laws that were passed by the prior party. That creates ongoing chaos in government.

The solution is my candidacy for President. It is an independent write-in candidacy. Independent in the true sense, meaning no association with either existing party or any new party.

The Democrat and Republican parties truly represent the counter positions on all not agreed on issues. There is no need for a third party except one ...Read more

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    November 22, 2018

    Dr John WorldPeace JD for President USA 2020 Platform

    Do not read and agree with the following and then not Crowd Fund my campaign at the end of this article.

    PLATFORM  Dr John WorldPeace for President 2020

    1) Politically I am more liberal than conservative. I am an independent candidate for President 2020 leading an independent coalition of independents. This is a shifting platform from election to election. An independent party is an oxymoron. I am a true independent candidate running as a write-in candidate. I support both Republican and Democratic issues. As a Democrat or a Republican, I would have to support all issues on the party platform and I refuse to do that. The Presidental Election in 2020 is going to be about the candidate and not the Party. Donald Trump has shown us the dark side of the Republican Party.

    2) I believe that ...Read more

    October 25, 2018



    Friends, this article is about Christian women disconnecting from the Republican Party. No woman can take the lead on this issue.  Only a White Male Christian (with a strong resume’, one that includes a law degree which I have) can do this job.

    That being said, I absolutely believe that the women movements must be led by women. But there are some barriers that White Male Christians (And politicians who claim they are Christians even though they never attend church) have made virtually impenetrable to attacks by women. Those barriers must be breached by women with the help of men and in the case of the Republican Party and Donald Trump, I am the only one who can succeed in this task.

    I am an independent running for ...Read more

    October 23, 2018

    I am the last Peace Activist from the 60's.

    I am the last Peace Activist from the 60's. I was never a Hippie because I did not use dope or weed. I was never a Pacifist. I served my country. All those 60's radical activists sold out to the predatory greed of their parents and the Gen Xer's just got in line with their parents. The parents of the Boomers, the Boomers and the Gen Xers are working hard to turn the earth into a Wasteland of deserts, free of plants and animals and reptiles and fish and sea mammals. Species that have survived a million years are being wiped out. These Boomers and Gen Xers say they love their children but continue to destroy the good earth in the name of their God consumerism and money.

    Trump and the Republicans are mentally ill predatory psychopaths and sociopaths who see the earth as nothing but potential ...Read more

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