Dear Fellow Americans,

Those leading our two major parties are no longer able to effectively govern or solve our Country’s problems. Americans have taken notice, resulting in Congressional approval below 20%. Independents are now the largest political group in America. My name is Steve Kuzmich and this is why I am running for U.S. House of Representatives District 24 as an Independent.

The party leaders have lost touch with the fiscally conservative and socially moderate American people. Current representatives are born out of the primary elections where mainly the 6% most conservative and 6% most liberal vote. Rising star Democrats believe in socialism, dissolving Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), protesting the National Anthem, 70% tax rates, free healthcare, free tuition, and free income via a universal living wage. The Republicans have been taken hostage by a bully and braggart President, who leads only by repeated attacks upon women, the environment, immigrants, our allies, science, the free press, minority groups, and especially a balanced budget. At a local level, bathroom bills and 49 Tarrant County precinct chairs voting to oust their own trauma surgeon Vice Chairman over his religious beliefs have made for shameful national headlines. Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton could not survive in today’s extremist parties.

The American people deserve elected officials who will preserve our fundamental values and solve our biggest problems with compromises.  We can be a nation of hard-working immigrants while controlling our borders.  We can provide a health care safety net for those in need while most Americans choose and pay for their own care.  We can protect the 2nd Amendment while keeping guns out of the hands of abusers, criminals, and the mentally ill.  We can lead the world in energy production while also leading the world in clean energy and protecting the environment.  We can be diverse and tolerant because it is one of the fundamental tenets of our Constitution.  We can be stronger standing with our arms around our ...Read more

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    “As a fellow Independent running for TX 16TH CD. I Support Steve the only way to get things moving in Congress is by ...Read more

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    “I endorse Steve Kuzmich because he is a true moderate, believes in helping people, and is committed to finding common ground.”

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    “As a fellow Independent running for TX 16TH CD. I Support Steve the only way to get things moving in Congress is by ...Read more

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    “I endorse Steve Kuzmich because he is a true moderate, believes in helping people, and is committed to finding common ground.”