I am Danielle Ravyn VanHelsing and I am running for US Senate against Susan Collins. I was born and raised in Maine and have always lived here. I have seen Maine slowly crumble and fall behind the rest of the nation and that is not acceptable. I plan to bring jobs, infrastructure improvements, equality, and hope to all of Maine. As a transgender woman, I also strive to give hope to transgender people everywhere that we can be more and do more than we are told. 

To all those in Maine, and the nation across, I will always fight for your rights regardless of the color of your skin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or religious belief or lack thereof. I believe that all humans deserve access to the same rights and respects as everyone else and the same chances to thrive and achieve your dreams. We can and will do better.

Going up against such a strong incumbent will require a tremendous amount of support. I appreciate all the help anyone can give. Let's all work together for a better future for us and our children. I do not accept corporate donations, corporations are not people. This campaign is by the people for the people.

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