I was inspired by Senator Bernie Sanders' presidential run in 2016 to be the change we want to see. After Bernie lost the nomination I joined Jill Stein's campaign. In 2018 I then ran for Congress as an Independent and this time am running as a Democrat. 

I am an openly gay 28 year old man and have been an activist for as long as I can remember. I'm running to bring LGBTQ+ Equality to the conversation with real reforms to ensure equal rights for us all. I am a candidate who has been and will continue to be funded 100% off grassroots donations. I don't take PAC money and I cannot be purchased. My alliance relies with the working class people of this country, not the establishment. 

Our campaign will fight for criminal justice reform, immigration reform with a clear path to citizenship, living wages, combating climate change, ending our need to perpetuate war, single payer healthcare, and more. 

Can you help us fulfill this goal and bring about a political revolution in Iowa by supporting our campaign today?

Thank you!


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  • endorsed

    “I endorse Daniel Clark because I know that he is a true progressive following in the footsteps of the politicians I admire most. Good luck, Daniel! Sincerely hope you win.”

May 7, 2019

UPDATE - I’m officially running!

A huge thank you to everyone who has supported my campaign. It’s official – I’m running! In the next 24 hours, the money you pledged toward my campaign will be processed into a donation. The charge will appear as “DEMENG CROWDPAC” on your credit card.

This campaign would not have been possible without folks like you. Thank you for believing in me - let’s keep the momentum going and win this for [enter your city/state]!

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