I grew up in the Beloit and Janesville area. I currently live in Janesville with my family of 7. I advocate for personal liberty, economic freedom, and limited government. Working together we can reach peaceful and prosperous results.

I support:

Maximum Transparency & Accountability

  • Monthly Town Hall Meetings
  • Disclose Salary, Staff Salary, and Expenditures
  • Open Door Policy
  • Keep a public record of daily communications and correspondences 


  • Ballot Access Reform
    • Reduce or remove administrative barriers that make it difficult for an average citizen to run for office
  • Support efforts to propose term limits
  • Gerrymandering
    • Support placing the responsibility with an independent redistricting commission 


  • Appose efforts within the assembly to pick winners and losers in the economy. Will consistently vote against crony-capitalism. 
  • Appose state licensing laws that should respect the fundamental right of the individual to pursue an occupation. 
  • Defend free market economy and rights of people to engage in peaceful and honest trade.
  • Support the return of every tax dollar that leaves Janesville for the state shared revenue program. 
  • Support and advocate for reduced taxes whenever possible

Criminal Justice

  • Hold monthly town hall meetings and make it a priority to facilitate additional meetings between the public and local law enforcement. 
  • Address racial disparities in our criminal justice system
  • Advocate for common sense reform of parole and probation to keep non-violent offenders on paper and out of our over crowded prisons. 
  • Support cannabis reform

Show your support for this campaign by endorsing it and sharing why!

  • endorsed

    “Reese Wood is a canidate with the upmost love for Beloit and it's residents, and I believe in his ideas to make the ...Read more

July 31, 2020

Livestream Interviews

Each week I will interview guests with topics relevant to our campaign for the 44th assembly district. Find livestreams on Facebook and Youtube.

June 28, 2020

UPDATE - I’m officially running as a write-in candidate!

A huge thank you to everyone who has supported my campaign. It’s official – I’m running as a write-in candidate. Just enough of our nomination signature's were challenged by the democrat and republican in this race to have our ballot status denied. I do not intend to give up. I will continue this campaign to give voters in Wisconsin's 44th assembly district a genuine alternative to the establishment choices in this race. In the next 24 hours, the money you pledged toward my campaign will be processed into a donation. The charge will appear as “DEMENG CROWDPAC” on your credit card.

This campaign would not have been possible without folks like you. Thank you for believing in me - let’s keep the momentum going and win this for Janesville and for Wisconsin!

Campaign created!

Show your support for this campaign by endorsing it and sharing why!

  • endorsed

    “Reese Wood is a canidate with the upmost love for Beloit and it's residents, and I believe in his ideas to make the ...Read more