Leaders of our community are lifetime politicians. Senator Murray has been in congress for a generation. Senator Cantrell has been in Congress for over a decade - with no results. Can anyone name a single thing they have done in the last 6 years for the American people, let alone Washingtonians? People are tired of the same people, running for the same position with no results.
As a nurse, I have seen the inadequacy of both U.S. senators and representatives. My goal is to increase funding to hospitals - to mandate overtime pay for the working class for anyone who works over 8 hours in a day. I want everyone in Washington to have access to healthcare - and not just a website that crashes. I want them to get the same healthcare that our U.S. Congress receives. Hospitals should be well funded, and not “for-profit”.
Schools are also extremely underfunded. Our teachers need to make an earnest living - not $50k a year. They should make more than $100k at the minimum - they educate our children, and put up with so much push back from administration.
Given the current political climate, I want us to be able to talk about politics without losing our cool. Families cannot talk about politics without arguing, and it’s ripping everyone apart. Let’s get one thing straight: family is our life. We should not let an election determine who we talk to, or who we disengage with.
I want to run to solidify these things, among others. I want to keep insurance companies from denying benefits. I want to keep money in school. And most of all, I want to us to shift the conversation from arguing, and fighting, to trying to understand each other.
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Larry Hussey endorsed
“I endorse Ramon for Governor. I am a candidate for Kent Washington City Council Position 6.”
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Larry Hussey endorsed
“I endorse Ramon for Governor. I am a candidate for Kent Washington City Council Position 6.”