UPDATE: Funds to this campaign will now be distributed to Ruben Gallego and 5 proven Arizona organizations.

As designated when we launched this campaign, 60% of the funds we raise will go to the campaign of a Democratic challenger who will fight to end the filibuster. Ruben Gallego is that candidate –– a Democrat who has pledged to vote to nix the filibuster and will put Arizona’s working families first, not big corporate donors. 

And 40% of the funds will go to these 5 proven Arizona organizations that will provide the independent grassroots organizing to defeat Sinema and elect Ruben: Arizona Students Association, LUCHA, Northeast Arizona Native Democrats, Our Voice Our Vote, and Progress Arizona. These groups have endorsed Gallego and will educate, organize, and mobilize voters to turn out the broad, diverse coalition we need to win.

Please DONATE to this campaign on this page to help replace Sinema with Ruben Gallego so we can finally end the filibuster and deliver for the people.


UPDATE: Kyrsten Sinema has left the Democratic Party. 

Donations to this campaign will now be used to fund a Democratic candidate to replace Sinema who will fight to end the filibuster and, if Sinema runs, defeat her in the general election.


UPDATE: Kyrsten Sinema voted with Manchin and the GOP to block filibuster reform and defeat legislation to protect voting rights and save democracy.

She chose the side of Bull Connor and George Wallace over that of John Lewis and MLK.

And she must never be elected to office again.

Pledges to this campaign will now be converted to donations to fund a primary challenge to replace Sinema with a leader who will help end the filibuster.

This fight is not over. But together we will ensure that Kyrsten Sinema's career in elected office ended tonight.

--------------------------- ...Read more

Show your support for this campaign by endorsing it and sharing why!

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    “Senator Sinema is 1 of only 2 standing in the way of Democrats making meaningful change and being seen as an Action ...Read more

  • endorsed

    “We need real democratic Senators.”

  • endorsed

    “Senator Sinema, please choose democracy and end the Jim Crow filibuster now.”

  • endorsed

    “Worse than a silver spoon brat, she's a wannabe silver spoon brat. New money corrupts completely. Old money at least ...Read more

  • endorsed

    “I endorse funding a leader who will work to pass President Biden’s agenda to Build Back Better and support Federal ...Read more

  • endorsed

    “Sinema is a not a maverick. She is a corporate shill. I strongly endorse this campaign to hold an elected official ...Read more

  • endorsed

    “Senator Sinema - you were elected to represent US, and your constituents are fed up with your attempts to coyly play ...Read more

  • endorsed

    “Sinema needs to go! She is acting like a child, and loving the spotlight and all the attention is currently receiving , ...Read more

January 20, 2022

Sinema Betrayed Us All Tonight

Kyrsten Sinema just voted with Manchin and the GOP to block filibuster reform and defeat legislation to protect voting rights and save democracy.

She chose the side of Bull Connor and George Wallace over that of John Lewis and MLK.

And she must never be elected to office again.

Pledges to this campaign will now be converted to donations to fund a primary challenge to replace Sinema with a leader who will help end the filibuster.

Make another pledge and share this campaign on social media tonight. Millions of Democrats and pro-democracy independents are furious with Sinema. Give them a chance to do something with that anger that can help turn the tide.

This fight is not over. But together we will ensure that Kyrsten Sinema's career in elected office ended tonight.

Belen Sisa, Brianna Westbrook, ...Read more

January 20, 2022

Sinema's Infamous Speech & The Vote on Filibuster Reform

Republicans just filibustered voting rights legislation for the FIFTH TIME.

Democrats will finally hold a vote on reforming the filibuster to clear the path for a majority vote to pass legislation to save our democracy. And much more.

If Kyrsten Sinema's infamous speech on the Senate floor enraged you, you can respond in a way that she can't dismiss. Make a pledge to fund a primary challenge to replace her if she votes against filibuster reform.

We're close to $125,000 in pledges. Help us cross that goal tonight and show Senator Sinema that there will be a serious political price to pay if she betrays our democracy and the Arizona voters who elected her.

Thank you for being part of this fight.

- Kai and the SinemaPrimaryPledge.com steering team

January 4, 2022

The Vote on Filibuster Reform is Finally Happening

Yesterday Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced that the Senate will vote on filibuster reform on or before January 17th, MLK Day. This is a big win for all of us who've been pushing to end the filibuster. 

Kyrsten Sinema is going to have to go the Senate floor and go on record. Will she vote to protect the right to vote and our democracy itself or an abused, outdated Senate rule? Our job now is to demonstrate the political consequences of a vote against reform. 

Every pledge to this campaign is a testament to the political price she will pay if she votes against reform. Please make a pledge today and share this campaign on social media. Thank you! 

In solidarity,

Belen and the SinemaPrimaryPledge.com steering committee

December 30, 2021

Continuing Our Fight Into 2022

Happy Holidays, friend.

We are extending this campaign into 2022. 

We have demanded that Kyrsten Sinema vote to end or reform the filibuster this year or we will fund a primary challenger. But the Senate has not yet voted on filibuster reform. 

Finally, because of everyone who has raised their voice to demand it, Majority Leader Schumer, though, has promised a vote on filibuster reform to enable passage of voting rights legislation in January. We need to build maximum pressure on Sinema up to the point of that vote. So we are extending the campaign to the first vote on filibuster reform on 2022. 

If Senator Sinema votes against reform, pledges will be converted into donations to fund a primary challenge to replace her. Please help us build maximum pressure on Sinema by ...Read more

October 7, 2021

We did it! And we're just getting started.

We did it! 

Our grassroots crowdfunding campaign led by Arizonans who helped elect Kyrsten Sinema has raised over $100K in just one week! 

Make no mistake: if Sinema doesn't change course and respect the voters who put her in office, she won't be re-elected. Thank you to everyone who pledged and put your money where your principles are. We will be raising our goal and escalating this campaign. Let's keep building and keep pushing. We can end the filibuster, pass the Build Back Better Act, and lift our nation to higher ground! 

Gratefully, Kai

October 7, 2021

3 hours and less than $10K to go!

Amazing. We're over $90,000!

Less than $10K to go to reach our $100,000 goal by midnight. Let's show Sinema that time is up on her obstruction.

Can you make one more pledge and ask one more person to join Arizona leaders and pledge to fund a primary challenger if Sinema doesn't vote to end the filibuster and back reconciliation?

Thanks so much for being part of this push!

October 6, 2021

Over $80,000! We can reach our goal today with your help!

We set a very ambitious goal of reaching $100,000 in pledges to this campaign within one week of our launch –– today. Incredibly, we're past $80,000 now and momentum is building. 

If everyone who's pledged already recruits just ONE PERSON to pledge just $15 or more, we will reach our goal today.

Celebrities and political influencers from Alyssa Milano, Piper Perabo, and Cenk Uygur to George Takei have promoted our campaign. It's being covered in media from NBC to CNN, Peacock, Forbes, and Newsweek. We are sending a powerful message to Sinema. If we reach our $100,000 goal by midnight today, it will speak by volumes. 

Please make an effort right now to recruit one person to pledge at least $15 and help us do it!

In solidarity, Kai

October 5, 2021

We surpassed 1000 pledges! And one of our leaders confronted Sinema.

We've blown past 1000 pledges and have raised over $52,000! Amazing work everyone.

And yesterday, one of the founding leaders of this campaign, Karina Ruiz, a DACA recipient and Arizona immigrant rights leader, respectfully confronted Sinema face to face on their flight to DC. Karina calmly asked Sinema to help pass Biden's reconciliation bill with a path to citizenship. She even shared about her father's death. Sinema just ignored her. Watch and share this powerful encounter. Then, if you've had enough of Sinema's disrespect and obstruction, invite 10 friends to join you in pledging today! Let's show Sinema the cost of refusing to listen to the people who elected her.

Keep pushing!

- Kai

October 1, 2021

So close to our first goal: 1000 pledges!

Incredible! In just over two days, we have raised over $45,000 from 966 people!

We are so close to our first goal of 1000 pledges. Less than 40 pledges to go!

We are sending Senator Sinema a powerful message. And it's being covered on major national media (watch this great interview with one of our Arizona leaders, immigrant rights leader Karina Ruiz, on CNN). Sinema's statement yesterday shows she's on the defensive. So let's keep pushing with everything we've got.

Huge thanks to every single person who has pledged to this campaign so far! Sinema is standing in the way of so much urgent help for our communities, our democracy, and our planet right now. We have to fight to move her.

Gratefully, Kai

September 29, 2021

Please ask 3 other people to join the campaign!

We have over 400 pledges already today! That's almost halfway to our 1 week goal of 1000 pledges. And it means that if each of you asked just 3 other people to pledge we would surpass that goal on Day One!

Thanks so much for kicking this campaign off so powerfully! We're already getting media attention (check out this Salon piece and stay tuned for one of our leaders, Belen Sisa, on Mehdi Hasan's show tonight!) Please keep pushing today. Sinema is negotiating with the White House as we speak. The more attention and pledges we get, the more pressure we can create on Sinema to stop obstructing and get behind the agenda President Biden and Democrats were elected to deliver.

In solidarity, Kai 

Campaign created!

Show your support for this campaign by endorsing it and sharing why!

  • endorsed

    “Senator Sinema is 1 of only 2 standing in the way of Democrats making meaningful change and being seen as an Action ...Read more

  • endorsed

    “We need real democratic Senators.”

  • endorsed

    “Senator Sinema, please choose democracy and end the Jim Crow filibuster now.”

  • endorsed

    “Worse than a silver spoon brat, she's a wannabe silver spoon brat. New money corrupts completely. Old money at least ...Read more

  • endorsed

  • endorsed

    “I endorse funding a leader who will work to pass President Biden’s agenda to Build Back Better and support Federal ...Read more

  • endorsed

  • endorsed

    “Sinema is a not a maverick. She is a corporate shill. I strongly endorse this campaign to hold an elected official ...Read more

  • endorsed

    “Senator Sinema - you were elected to represent US, and your constituents are fed up with your attempts to coyly play ...Read more

  • endorsed

    “Sinema needs to go! She is acting like a child, and loving the spotlight and all the attention is currently receiving , ...Read more