I received a Ph.D. in philosophy from Michigan State University. I wrote my dissertation--Persons, Rights, and the Problem of Abortion--under the direction of Rhoda Kotzin. From 1976 until 2015, I taught at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. At last, though, I have become an independent scholar! My wife Elizabeth and I have six children. We have made our home in Inglewood. Here are my commitments:
- Pro-Life for the Whole Life
- Pro-Family
- Social Justice
- Freedom of Conscience
- Local Government
- Pro-Peace
- Pro-Environment
Dr. James G. Hanink is the 2022 candidate for California governor. He supports the common good by finding common ground across California’s diverse citizenry, He is a member of the American Solidarity Party but is running in the gubernatorial race as an independent.
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