I am honored to have had the opportunity to represent you on Eastvale City Council. We have achieved a lot in the past four years, and I could not have done it without your support.

In the last four years:

  • Our city revenues have increased over 100% in the past four years, while still maintaining the lowest sales tax rate in Riverside County;

  • While serving as the mayor, I initiated and led the Eastvale Little Library project, where over 20 little libraries were built and installed throughout the city;

  • Additionally, I was able to advocate for over $50 million for our own library and city hall, which are scheduled to be built on Limonite and Hamner within the next four years;

  • The council invested in public safety by increasing the number of Sheriff’s deputies, in addition to allocating funding for our own police station an additional fire station; and

  • I launched the Eastvale Youth Council to mentor the next generation of leaders.

I am running for re-election to continue protecting and improving our city’s quality of life for generations to come.

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