Now is the time to take a stand with Transparent Payson.   

Who we are:

We are citizens of Payson, Arizona, striving to make our local government more transparent.  We believe in the people voting on what happens with their money, their land, and their town.  We believe that elected officials are there to serve the public; as such, we should have a voice in making decisions that affect us all.  We are nonpartisan/bipartisan with no party affiliation, no hidden agenda. We believe in Payson, Arizona, and its future.  We support growth that will better serve all its citizens while remaining financially sound.  As a 527 nonprofit PAC, we were responsible for successfully enacting Propositions 401 and 402 in 2018.  A short history of our group can be found here.

Voters' rights are essential to all.

Fundamentally, we are responsible for Propositions 401 and 402 and their defense.  We have been compelled to become a voters' rights group in that defense.  The implications for Payson appear limited to the validity of Propositions 401 and 402 and their enactment.  At the state level, we suspect the implications of our effort have a much more significant impact.  That is, do citizens, as allowed by law, have the ability to initiate law?  Is that law then valid?  Can it be repealed by Town Council or any legislative group?

There was recently an attempt by the Town of Payson to repeal these ballot initiatives.   With the help of an attorney, we are fighting that effort in Superior Court; we still have much work to do to defend your voting rights.

We are defending the rights of Payson citizens on large-scale, publicly funded projects that may be placed on public lands via long-term leases to third parties.  Our goal is NOT to prevent such projects but to ensure transparency in all negotiations, discussions, and contracts that affect your town.  If the citizens approve the funding through an election, or if the citizens approve the lease of public land to complete the project, we ...Read more

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    September 15, 2024

    Paper Tigers and Bad Advice.

    The Town of Payson released a statement on the Rose vs. the Town of Payson suit.  

    The full Town Statement document is at our website.  The Town has a long history of attempted intimidation.  Part of the release states:

    "Unfortunately, the lawsuit has necessitated its inclusion in the Town’s financial statements and disclosures about risk.  It is possible that the filing of this suit will increase cost of the sale of the bonds.  These potential cost increases could amount to significant damages.  The Town Council has a fiduciary responsibility to protect the taxpayer’s funds, and we will evaluate the potential for a counterclaim against the Plaintiff as this action proceeds."

    The Town may file a countersuit against Ms. Rose for the costs associated with ...Read more

    September 12, 2024

    Goldwater Institute Sues the Town of Payson

    We are beyond thrilled.

    Enough of the abuse of the emergency ordinance.  The Goldwater Institute has filed suit.  The cause of action is based on the use of an emergency clause.  That cause was part of our original complaint.  Co-Plantiff Nichols asked for dismissal when the Town filed a counterclaim against Plaintiffs Transparent Payson and Jeffrey Aal.  The Counter Claim did not seek damages/costs from Ms. Nichols or name her as a defendant, only Transparent Payson and Jeffrey Aal.  That turn of events is discussed hereRose versus Town of Payson is a separate cause of action than is ours.  We hope it will shed light on the Town’s actions and possibly our group’s efforts.


    The big dogs are now involved.


    ":1}"=""> ...Read more

    September 8, 2024

    A bunch of updates!

    May 7, 2024

    The Initial Verdict Is In

    We did not post a couple of recent updates to Cowd Pac.  This one is fascinating. Where does Payson's money go?

    Private gain at the public trough – you decide. Read that post here.

    More updates can be found our our website.

    The Initial Verdict Is In

    We are not surprised at the outcome. The Court Order/ verdict is attached in its entirety below as a PDF. The potential next step is an appeal. The Board will meet with Counsel to discuss this.

    Any potential appeal relies on donations.  It cannot be accomplished without your funding.  If voters’ rights are essential to you, if you believe the Town has an obligation when leasing Town/Public land for private gain, if you believe the Town has an obligation to have large-scale projects approved by the citizens:  Please, donate ...Read more

    September 16, 2023

    A Pending 1% Payson Sales Tax Increase?

    We seem to have found the motivation for the purported repeal of Proposition 402.

    Transparent Payson has sometimes been labeled “conjecture,” “speculation,” and other choice things.   The fiscal issues facing our community are coming into focus every day.   The current issue?   A potential 1% sales tax increase.   The sales tax (TPT) rate for Payson is 9.48%.  If approved by the Town Council, the rate will be 10.48%.   Let’s call it 10.5%.   Remember, unlike many places, Payson taxes food, which will be 3.88% on a head of lettuce or a gallon of milk.   Let’s call that 4%.  Feed your family, and the Town of Payson will take a bigger nibble off your plates at the table.

    So, where do the current “conjecture” and ...Read more

    September 12, 2023

    Emergency! Urgent! Shucks - Not So Much.

    Like democracy, some of the more important life lessons were first taught in Greece.  Most children learned of a shepherd boy who tells the tale of an attacking wolf after the flock.  After enough false alarms, the villagers did not believe the story.  When it was finally real, nobody responded.  Some versions of the story have the wolf eating the boy.  We like the poetic justice of that version.  COVID-19 and the mandates conditioned us to accept government overreach.  There is some pushback on potential future overreach now.  Six Town Councilers jumped on an overreach bandwagon and never looked back.

    Did you ever wonder why an Emergency Ordinance was used?


    When Ordinance 953 and 954  were approved, they were done so using an " ...Read more

    September 9, 2023

    “Votes Can’t Just be Thrown Away.”

    “Votes Can’t Just be Thrown Away.”  That is a good quote.   Let us place the quote in its proper context.  When Arizona’s Voter Protection Act/Proposition 105 was advocated in 1998, Sheriff Joe Arpaio was a voice in favor of the VPA.  The full quote is as follows:

    "The will of the people is the most important element of our government. Once an election takes place, votes can’t be thrown away just because a few politicians don’t like the results of an election.  I believe Arizona voters are smart enough to know what they are voting for. I don’t think the Legislature or the Governor should have the right to thwart or veto the will of the people. I urge you to vote Yes on the Voter Protection Act. It will preserve the will of the people in Arizona once and for ...Read more

    September 3, 2023

    Transparent Payson vs. The Town of Payson has a hearing scheduled.

    Depending on the outcome of the court date, you may be subject to additional taxes.  As legal fees are again mounting, we are hopeful you will donate. Without your support, we cannot defend voters’ rights.  Without your support, we cannot prevent unilateral debt and increased taxes.  The initial hearing is scheduled for September 22nd at 1:30 p.m. in Payson. 

    How does the outcome of our hearing impact your wallet? Proposition 402 provided citizen oversight by requiring complete information on source funding for Payson debt obligations. Traditionally, a “General Obligation” bond would be subject to the will of the voters. Hybrid finance agreements or “creative debt,” which include “Combination” or “Double Barrel” bonds, are being used by governments to circumvent the ...Read more

    August 26, 2023

    They have but one duty.

    Payson has such a wealth of knowledge in the community.  We first realized that six years ago as we drafted and circulated the petitions.  This pool of knowledge undoubtedly reflects the median age, which is 59.8 years old

    There are many intelligent people and so much life experience to draw from.  As a community, we should embrace that remarkable resource.  Transparent Payson, as a group, has learned so much from various people with unique backgrounds.  We welcome and appreciate their input; it is invaluable.  As a recent example, a supporter pointed out that the Town Council may have violated an Arizona Supreme Court ruling from 1934 in Button v. Nevin, 44 Ariz. 247.  The Council may have also violated Chapter 2, Section 4 of the Public Officers ...Read more

    August 17, 2023

    Long Ago, Payson Ignored Voters' Will

    Research and public records can be a wonderful thing.  There is an outstanding case regarding the development of Rumsey Park and the agreement with Varxity.  As you will recall, we discussed a motion for summary judgment filed by the Town of Payson that relied, in part, on the passage of Propositions 401 and 402.  That discussion may be found here.  Plaintiffs filed an opposition to the motion for summary judgment.  In that motion, Plaintiff (Varxity) states:

    23. Opposed.  The voter-initiated propositions (Propositions 401 and 402) did not restrict the Town's ability to lease property and the Town treated those propositions as ineffective and unconstitutional.  (Deposition of Town of Payson (Troy Smith) attached hereto as Exhibit A, 49:7 – 50:20.)

     ...Read more

    August 6, 2023

    Your Tax Dollars To Negate Your Vote

    Thank you, KMOG and longtime Payson resident Mr. Don Engler for the opportunity to discuss the issues on the KMOG forum on August 2nd. If you were unable to listen, the entire broadcast is below. Many topics and issues were discussed.

    One of the issues discussed was that of a fundamental question. Is government the authority in and of itself, or are the citizens? Placing the needs of the government before the needs of the people undermines democracy. We discussed that concept in this post.

    While this question appears simple at first blush, the implications are far-reaching.  Specific to the Propositions, we have an email exchange between a Town Councilor and a Constituent regarding leasing town property.  That email is in response to Varxity vs. Town of Payson discussed here.& ...Read more

    July 31, 2023

    KMOG Radio Interview August 2nd, 9:00 am

    Transparent Payson will be appearing on KMOG FM103.3 – AM1420 Wednesday, August 2nd at 9:00 am to discuss the current litigation with the Town of Payson. You can listen online if you are out of the area.

    We again appreciate the opportunity to provide information on these issues.  We have previously been on KMOG and local station KPJM.  Audio versions of both interviews are available at these links:

    We welcome participation from the listeners via call-in so we may answer any specific questions.  It can be difficult for people to listen to the show live, we will post the audio as we can.   Charlie Seraphin is no longer broadcasting, the show will be hosted by former Police Chief and longtime Payson ...Read more

    July 26, 2023

    There has been some activity of late. Does Payson have unclean hands?

    We are hopeful supporters follow us on Facebook or periodically check our web page,

    Fundamentally, we are responsible for Propositions 401 and 402 and their defense.  In that defense, we have been compelled to become a voters’ rights group.  The implications for Payson appear limited to the validity of Propositions 401 and 402 and their enactment.  At the state level, we suspect the implications of our effort have a much greater impact.  That is, do citizens, as allowed by law, have the ability to initiate law?  Is that law then valid?  Can it be repealed by Town Council or any legislative group?

    We apologize for not providing this information via CrowdPac sooner.  The links will take you directly to the updates and ...Read more

    June 8, 2023

    Discussions About the Issues

    We recently had the opportunity to provide some alternative information with Counsel Mr. Timothy A. La Sota at a breakfast meeting and on KMOG hosted by Charlie Seraphin.  The Town of Payson had a lengthy presentation on why the Propositions are illegal in their enforcement.  During that meeting, it appeared that some difficult questions were not asked, and answers to unasked questions were not provided to the Council. Most Town Councilors voted to repeal the Propositions.  We suspect that is partly because Town Legal did not provide all the information for and against the purported repeal.  Does Town Legal have a duty to provide complete information, or is the obligation to justify the Town’s course of action?  Do Councilors have an obligation to ask questions on ...Read more

    May 29, 2023

    A Healthy Government Does NOT Suppress Free Speech.

    Attempting to stifle protected/free speech is never a good quality for a government.  By definition, that action is oppressive.  Bullying is not tolerated at the local schools.  There is a significant discussion on the causes and consequences.  Bullying is a real issue, most grow out of it, and apparently, some do not.  Perhaps some Council Members or Town management could benefit from a time out?



    1. seek to harm, intimidate, or coerce (someone perceived as vulnerable):

    Paul Frommelt has been a Board Member of Transparent Payson from day one.  Paul spent countless hours collecting signatures and coordinating the many other volunteers collecting signatures; we would not have been successful without Paul.  Recently the Town of Payson allowed ...Read more

    May 15, 2023

    Radio interview with 99.7 FM KPJM-LP, 05/13/23.

    99.7 FM KPJM-LP, Radio interview 05/13/23

     Listen to the interview here.

    Thank you to 99.7 FM KPJM-LP for hosting Board Members Stephen Otto and Jeffrey Aal for a radio interview on May 13th, 2023.

    We appreciate the opportunity to discuss the issues.  If you could not tune in, the audio may be found here.

    The interview starts at about the 4:45 mark. 

    If you fast forward, please allow time for buffering.

    May 11, 2023

    Is Transparent Payson a subversive group?

    Some have stated that we should allow elected officials to "do their job" as they were elected to do. It would seem that if we trust the electorate to elect officials, we should extend that trust in the electorate who passed the propositions. It appears illogical to only agree with an election result when the outcome is one you favor. That question is a much larger discussion.

    Some have stated the Propositions were/are "illegal." If they were "illegal," why would the Council attempt to repeal them? Why would that action be required if they were not legal?

    There has been rhetoric that our efforts are "undermining the republic." That is an excellent sound bite; it makes our efforts appear subversive. Arguing that our efforts "undermine the republic" places the needs of the government ...Read more

    May 9, 2023

    A suit has been filed.

    The Town of Payson was allowed the opportunity to rescind the improper repeal of the Propositions. We elected to wait until the next Council agenda came out. The Town has elected to take no action. The Council agenda was posted Friday; a suit was filed on Monday, the 8th. Gila Superior Court Case # S-0400-CV-202300118

    We suspect the Council taking no action is an ill-advised course. Both the Town and the Council Members, as the citizens' representatives, would be well served to consider all information, not just information favorable to the Town's position. We will now address the matter in Superior Court.

    A copy of the complaint will be posted soon.

    April 25, 2023

    A history of Transparent Payson.

    First and foremost; it has been an extreme pleasure to be involved in the democratic
    process. A process that is best embraced and not taken for granted.
    Transparent Payson has been honored that so many volunteers have
    provided their resources and time to assist in our efforts.

    Five years ago today, Transparent Payson submitted approximately 1,900 total signatures per Initiative to the Town Clerk, Ms. Smith, in an attempt to have two initiatives placed on the ballot. (1,927 on the Debt Initiative and 1,882 on the Lease Initiative.) As a point of reference, the number of signatures was over 40% of the total number of votes; 4,387, cast in the controlling Mayoral election.

    We figure it is time for a history of Transparent Payson

    In 2017 the Town of Payson leadership presented a plan to form ...Read more

    Campaign created!

    Show your support for this campaign by endorsing it and sharing why!