Civil Liberties. Climate Change. Crime. Debt. Inflation. Health Care. Housing. Our Kids’ Futures. These are the things on my mind every day. I know many of you feel the same. Isn’t it time we had a representative who did, too?

I'm Jolian Kangas, and I'm running to be the next Representative to Congress from the Second District. I'm not a member of any party; I only care about my community. I'm a small business owner and foster parent. It's time the North Coast had a voice in Washington, instead of just being ignored and taken for granted by our North SF Bay-based Congressman. 

I won’t be a “blank check” vote for anyone’s agenda. If elected, I will not caucus with either party. If they want my support for specific legislation, they’ll have to earn it— by proving that it’s good for the Second District, and good for the Country. 

It’s time to get back to the basics. Government should serve two functions: Conflict Resolution, and Resource Distribution. Everything else should be left up to individuals, to families, and to communities. 

End foreign military aid. Raise the federal minimum wage. Protect the North Coast from unscrupulous developers and "greenwashed" energy projects. Enshrine a right to privacy in the US Constitution. And make the banks earn their keep by working FOR their customers!

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November 5, 2023

Jolian Kangas Announces Bid for Congress

(Eureka, CA) Jolian Kangas announced today that he is running to represent the Second District in the US House of Representatives. “I’m declaring my candidacy to represent the North Coast in Congress,” said Kangas. “As a foster dad and small business owner in Eureka, I know what it is to struggle. Every day, I encounter people cast aside by society, digging through trash and breaking into my vehicles to sleep for the night. 

“Yet the wealthy elites do not care. They’d rather spend $100 billion of our taxpayer dollars to fund forever wars overseas. They get rich off the infrastructure our ancestors built and you and I pay to maintain. They drain the public coffers to support pet causes that do nothing for the public benefit, exempt their unearned income from taxes, then go home to sleep at night in gated compounds protected by private security. Meanwhile, the rest of us are left to fend for ourselves and fight over scraps.”

Kangas is entering the March 5, 2024 Primary Election as a challenger to Rep. Jared Huffman, D-San Rafael. This district covers the North Coast region of California, from the Golden Gate to the Oregon border.

Kangas stated that as a political Independent, he is best suited to serve the district’s constituents. 

“Both the Democrat and Republican parties are complicit in this vicious cycle,” Kangas said. “That’s why it is time to elect a truly Independent candidate to represent us. Many of us don’t cast votes because we rightfully feel there are no candidates representing our interests. I’m running to present an alternative to the status quo that’s left the vast majority of us shut out of the process. The people of this largely rural district deserve to have our voices heard.

“Let’s get back to the basic functions of government. No more money for foreign conflicts and handouts to corporate donors. Instead, let’s expand programs that provide food security, like EBT and school lunch. Let’s empower HUD to get more people housed, and ease regulatory barriers to home loans. Let’s reverse the trend of rural hospitals and clinics shuttering. And let’s establish a baseline level of federal support for inpatient mental health and addiction treatment. 

“This is your country, and these are your tax dollars at stake. Do you really want to stick with a congressman committed to spending money we don’t have on wars that will never be ‘won’?”

For more information, please visit

Authorized by Kangas for Congress

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