Omar Din currently serves as the vice mayor of Sunnyvale and is running for State Assembly District 26 to improve the quality of life of residents of the South Bay.
Why He’s Running:
The affordability crisis in the South Bay is making it an unsustainable place to live for too many families. The high cost of essentials like housing, child care, and elder care, congestion on the roads, and the difficulty of starting a business is eroding the quality of life for residents of the South Bay.
Omar knows that we can and must do better, and that’s why he’s running to represent Sunnyvale, Santa Clara, Cupertino, and West San Jose in the Assembly.
Addressing the housing affordability crisis:
My top priority in the Assembly will be lowering housing costs and clear onerous red tape and regulations to build more housing in a smart, responsible way. It’s unacceptable that young people who grew up in the South Bay can’t afford to continue living here and even two small business owners like my parents can’t purchase a home in the community they work in. On the Sunnyvale City Council, I championed the Moffett Park Specific Plan, a modern community with 20,000 new residential units along transit corridors. Our state leaders need to prioritize more projects like these to ease our region’s housing affordability crisis.
Supporting families:
Caring for our youngest residents and seniors is harder and harder in the age of online scams and rising costs. As my immigrant parents reach retirement age, I'm going to the Assembly to fight for more state funding for child care and elder care, stronger consumer protections against scammers trying to deceive our parents and children, and a dignified retirement for all South Bay residents.
Empowering small businesses:
There are 4.2 million small businesses in California, which employ nearly half of our state’s workers. I know the challenges that these mom-and-pop businesses face – I hear from both of my parents who are small business owners and from the dozens of Sunnyvale small business owners I’ve worked with in my three years on ...Read more
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Raeena Lari endorsed
“I endorse Omar Din because of his strong progressive values and his valuable track record on the Sunnyvale City Council.”
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Brett G endorsed
Art Khan endorsed
Huzaifa Kamran Khawaja endorsed
Safia A endorsed
Omar Azzam endorsed
Hazem Mahmoud endorsed
Rania Khan endorsed
qasim endorsed
Mohammad Harrim endorsed
Mazen Ibrahim endorsed
Raeena Lari endorsed
“I endorse Omar Din because of his strong progressive values and his valuable track record on the Sunnyvale City Council.”
Rami Sultan endorsed
Mourad EA endorsed
Daniela Uribe endorsed
Yasin Hegazy endorsed
Mohammad Musa endorsed
Amer Zreika endorsed
Nada Haloush-Zreika endorsed