Nathan Sage -- Marine, Soldier, mechanic, and director of the Knoxville Chamber -- is considering running for Senate against Joni Ernst. Nathan is an independent who could UNITE Iowans!

Our bought-and-paid-for "leaders" of both parties have sold us out. They answer to the multi-national corporations and billionaires who are bleeding this country dry, spending us into bankruptcy as they line their own pockets. We literally can't afford more of the same.

As a Marine and Soldier, Nathan fought for our freedom and security overseas. He'll continue that fight in Washington. But if he's going to run, he needs to see that he won't stand alone. Will you make a pledge to support Nathan today?

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    “I’m proud to endorse Nathan Sage for Senate. As a dedicated former member of the military, Nathan has proven his ...Read more

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  • endorsed

    “I’m proud to endorse Nathan Sage for Senate. As a dedicated former member of the military, Nathan has proven his ...Read more