Rudy Giuliani Is Reportedly Melting Down And Drinking Heavily As He Fears Indictment

Rudy Giuliani’s former partner in the Ukraine scandal Lev Parnas has heard that Giuliani is melting down and drinking heavily because he fears being indicted.

Parnas tweeted:

Sources are telling me that Rudy Giuliani is have a meltdown and drinking heavily. After being sanctioned he fears that he is about to get indicted and doesn’t now who to turn to for help.
It’s time to pay the piper Rudy! #LevRemembers
— Lev Parnas (@levparnas) June 26, 2023

Lev Parnas is a convicted felon who did 20 months in prison. He also would not mind seeing Giuliani go down, so he is not necessarily the most reliable source, but Rudy Giuliani has spent the last few years keeping company with Donald Trump, so he hasn’t exactly been running with the best crowd either. 

It would not be surprising if Giuliani drank heavily and feared being indicted. Rudy Giuliani’s excessive drinking even made it into the 1/6 Committee hearings.  

A sexual abuse lawsuit against Giuliani by a former high-ranking employee went into detail both about Giuliani’s sexual abuse and his alcoholism.

The only real question involving Rudy Giuliani is where he will be indicted first. Will the federal government indict him for 1/6 crimes, or will the state of Georgia get him for trying to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in violation of state law.

Just like Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani thought that he was above the law, and now he is afraid that he is going to be indicted for several alleged crimes against the United States.

Rudy Giuliani tried to steal your vote, and now he is reportedly scared that he will spend the rest of his life in prison.


Jun 27th 05:05 am

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