Implement Universal Basic Income

Income Inequality

Just as Social Security guarantees a fixed income to senior citizens and retirees, a UBI would guarantee a livable wage to every adult age 18 and up. Termed “Social Security for all” by some, Americans would receive direct monthly payments regardless of financial need.

People have been proposing some version of a UBI for hundreds of years. Thomas Paine was an advocate, and the idea was even popular among Republicans as recently as the early 1970s. Richard Nixon promoted a form of guaranteed income and won support from Donald Rumsfield and Dick Cheney in the process.

Recent supporters include Elon Musk, Andrew Yang, Jack Dorsey, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Joe Rogan, and many, many more.

As more and more reliable jobs paying decent salaries are replaced by low-wage, low-skill service work that rarely supplies a living wage, it’s clear that many Americans are being left behind by the current economy. That is no more apparent than in the pandemic’s effect on lower-income Americans, who were hardest hit by job loss and will be slowest to recover — if they ever do.

Join me today so we can put an end to the cycle of poverty, and make life better for ALL Americans.

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Created by

Toby Spier

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Created by

Toby Spier

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