Presidential Election, 2024

41 candidates are running in this race and one person is exploring a run. There is one Democrat, four Independents, one Green Party candidate, three Unaffiliated, three Libertarians, 27 No Party Affiliations, one Libertarian Party of Florida, one South Carolina Workers, and one Justice for All.

{{' '}} Filter candidates

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{{ affiliations.find(function(a) {return === candidate.affiliation;}).name }}
{{ candidate.contributions_count.toLocaleString() }}
{{ candidate.declared ? 'Donations' : 'Pledges' }} on Crowdpac
${{ parseFloat(candidate.contributions_total_amount.toFixed(2)).toLocaleString() }}
{{ candidate.declared ? 'Donated' : 'Pledged' }} on Crowdpac
{{ candidate.endorsements_count.toLocaleString() }}

“{{ candidate.claimed_crowdpac_title }}”

{{' '}}

{{ candidate.declared ? 'Donate' : 'Pledge' }}

Exploring a run{{ ' ' }}

{{ }} is not a declared candidate, and is only exploring a run. Pledges made to {{ candidate.gender === 'M' ? 'his' : candidate.gender === 'F' ? 'her' : 'their' }} campaign are only charged if {{ candidate.gender === 'M' ? 'he' : candidate.gender === 'F' ? 'she' : 'they' }} officially {{ candidate.gender === 'M' || candidate.gender === 'F' ? 'declares' : 'declare' }} {{ candidate.gender === 'M' ? 'his' : candidate.gender === 'F' ? 'her' : 'their' }} candidacy.

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Show all {{ candidates.length }} candidates

{{ }} endorsed:

{{ endorsement.message }}

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{{}} {{}} {{supporter_update.action}} {{supporter_update.candidate_name}} on {{}}


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{{ featured_crowdpac['name'] }}

{{ featured_crowdpac.total_raised }}
{{ featured_crowdpac.total_backers }}

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