Two years ago, I decided to run for the New York State Assembly seat in the 146th District because I believed that the residents of Amherst and Pendleton deserved a representative who could effectively advocate for our community and reflect the values that make our District a great place to live, work, raise a family, and do business. I challenged an entrenched incumbent and won because the voters of the 146th District were ready for positive change. 

I am extremely proud of the things we accomplished in my first legislative session, from early voting, to sensible gun violence prevention measures, to historic climate change legislation. I was particularly proud to have been the prime sponsor of a bill, which was passed by both houses and signed into law, that requires equal pay for substantially similar work and expands the provisions of New York's pay equity statute to persons in all protected classes.

It has been a great honor to represent the people of my home town. I will continue to advocate for high quality, affordable education for all residents, and I will support environmental initiatives to expand renewable energy use, conserve our precious resources, and address climate change. As always, I will support investments in Amherst and Pendleton that will improve our quality of life and bring economic opportunities to all residents. With your help, I will continue to be your voice in the 146th Assembly District. 

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    “I endorse Karen MacMahon and the progress she has made in my Town.”

  • endorsed

    “I endorse Karen McMahon because she will have the well-being of all people living in Western New York at the forefront ...Read more

  • endorsed

    “I met Karen about a year and a half ago. She was volunteering on the Supervisor and Town Board Campaigns. I witnessed ...Read more

  • endorsed

    “Karen is someone you can trust, respect and be proud of. We need more people like her in the government!”

  • endorsed

    “I support Karen McMahon and her commitment to making our communities a better place to live and thrive. She has lived ...Read more

  • endorsed

    “She is exactly the sort of person who should be in government”

  • endorsed

    “She represents the values of inclusion, justice for everyone, science based smart growth and caring for the vulnerable ...Read more

  • endorsed

    “I must be honest. I don't know Karen, but what I have read here and what I have heard has convinced me I want to know more...”

  • endorsed

    “She is trustworthy. She will put energy in to the causes that she believes in. She supports women.She supports ...Read more

  • endorsed

    “I proudly and wholeheartedly endorse my sister, Karen McMahon. Karen is a remarkable person. She is intelligent, ...Read more

Campaign created!

Show your support for this campaign by endorsing it and sharing why!

  • endorsed

    “I endorse Karen MacMahon and the progress she has made in my Town.”

  • endorsed

    “I endorse Karen McMahon because she will have the well-being of all people living in Western New York at the forefront ...Read more

  • endorsed

  • endorsed

    “I met Karen about a year and a half ago. She was volunteering on the Supervisor and Town Board Campaigns. I witnessed ...Read more

  • endorsed

    “Karen is someone you can trust, respect and be proud of. We need more people like her in the government!”

  • endorsed

    “I support Karen McMahon and her commitment to making our communities a better place to live and thrive. She has lived ...Read more

  • endorsed

    “She is exactly the sort of person who should be in government”

  • endorsed

    “She represents the values of inclusion, justice for everyone, science based smart growth and caring for the vulnerable ...Read more

  • endorsed

    “I must be honest. I don't know Karen, but what I have read here and what I have heard has convinced me I want to know more...”

  • endorsed

    “She is trustworthy. She will put energy in to the causes that she believes in. She supports women.She supports ...Read more

  • endorsed

    “I proudly and wholeheartedly endorse my sister, Karen McMahon. Karen is a remarkable person. She is intelligent, ...Read more

  • endorsed

    “I am thrilled to see my kind, thoughtful,progressive friend running for this position. She will be a strong voice for ...Read more