Phyllis Hatcher has a better vision for Georgia’s 10th Congressional District and the state. She has a personal goal to hatch hope, help and the “pursuit of happiness.” Her ideals embrace a better quality of life for all our residents regardless of background or financial circumstance and includes thriving business and employment opportunities. 

She believes bridging the gap between the government and its citizens is imperative because we are better together. Georgia has the ninth highest poverty rate, the fourth highest uninsured rate, and the highest rate of maternal mortality in the entire country.

Many of Georgia’s 10 Congressional District communities are in need and deserves someone who is going to represent them. Georgia Republicans care about maintaining power and business ties, not families. Hatcher for Congress top priorities will be jobs, healthcare, housing, schools, infrastructure, safety and justice. Hatcher is running because she wants to help make people’s lives better. 

Phyliss says, 

"It’s really personal for me… I was a teenaged mother and when my child was a teen, she was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes. I had no healthcare insurance. Her blood sugar was very high at 626, she was in the hospital for six weeks and required four shots of insulin every day!"

"So, I know what it’s like to be at kitchen table trying to figure out bills. I know what it’s like to cry in bed at night worried about your child. Through resent conversations with District 10 residents, and they are worried about the effects of COVID, affordable healthcare insurance, access to good quality affordable healthcare and the price of medicine." 

"I want to go to Washington D.C. to fight for Medicare for All! And to expand access healthcare to the rural parts of District 10."

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