I am running for the Huntington Woods City Commission! As a City Commissioner, I want to be a part of maintaining the desireability of our city while also advocating for our future in an ever changing world. I'm proud to be running with both Mayor Bob Paul and Commissioner Michelle Elder. We hope that we can count on you for your support!

After nearly 20 years of living out of state, I moved back to my hometown of Huntington Woods in order to be closer to my aging parents and to raise my young children in the same loving community that shaped my childhood. Every corner of this city holds important memories and moments for me... from my childhood home where my mother still lives... to the gazebo in Mary Kay Davis Park in memory of my sister... to Burton Elementary School where my children learn in the same classrooms that I did... to the Parks and Rec and Library complex where we all benefit from city programming. 

Upon returning home, I was appointed by the City Commission to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to give back to the community that means so much to me and my family. As the locus of city programming, the Parks and Recreation Department plays a critical role in supporting services for all residents. I have been proud to serve as both Secretary and Vice Chair of the Board. 

In my professional life, I work in population health and value based care. I'm passionate about transforming the delivery of health care. I have a Master's Degree in Public Health from the University of Michigan and a Bachelor's Degree from Haverford College. 

As your City Commissioner, I will value and respect everyone's voice in our neighborhood. With three generations of my family now living in Huntington Woods, I will bring a unique perspective to the commission. Thank you for your support!

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