Rose Caucus is a socialist non-profit platform advocacy group, located in the NOVA/DC MetroWe primarily develop & advocate The Peoples' Platform, which is a comprehensive set of policies that adhere to a unified leftist standard— not only within the scope of electoral politics, but in all areas of society that may benefit from a shared set of clear demands for our expectations; especially in the areas of human rightscommunity buildingeducationmutual-aid, and social welfare.

All Rose Caucus Leadership, Volunteer Staff, Endorsed Candidates & Legislators, and Allied Orgs & Entities, take the same pledge of solidarity:

  • To publicly identify as Anti-CapitalistAnti-Imperialist, and Socialist (or left of).

  • To advocate for & help develop a comprehensive Peoples' Platform.

  • To refuse all corporate money.

  • To participate in mutual aid/community service efforts.

  • To center marginalized voices in their messaging & organizing force.

  • To adopt SHARP into their organizing spaces.  

When it comes to additions, changes, discussion, and the ratification of the unified platform, all campaigns and candidates have agreed to operate in good faith and abide by a process that is democratic, centers on unity, and is responsive to the needs of impacted communities.


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  • endorsed

    “Capitalism exploits and brutalizes workers and pushes to deny them even the most basic rights, because giving workers rights is unprofitable.”

  • endorsed

    “We need class struggle campaigns, merging direct actions with electoral actions. The fight for economic democracy goes on!”

September 28, 2020



We understand anyone who feels like electoralism is useless in the pursuit of Socialism. Especially given the Presidential race right now, and if we’re being honest, many of us are with you there.

Elections on the local level still matter, and even though it’s hard right now to feel any faith in the system, local politics are where we still have a chance to win important victories before they are completely bought and paid for by corporations.

Candidates who advocate for The Peoples' Platform are urgently needed in office. Presently, there are only two candidates, nationwide, who meet this criteria, and they are in critical need of your support!


Angelica Dueñas (CA-29)

Hilary Turner (WV-03)


Dueñas & Turner have run honest ...Read more

May 22, 2020

We're Putting Down Roots!

We’ve officially incorporated in Virginia as a non-profit organization, and we’re ready to grow!
  • Rose Caucus isn’t a traditional political party; we’re an alliance, an effort. Our organization is completely owned and controlled by the people who work here, and our goal is to bring together great candidates with skilled staff & volunteers to build a strong bench for the socialist left.

  • We’re so proud to announce that, on July 1st, we will become a workers’ cooperative under brand-new Virginia law! Workers deserve to own all the value they produce, and at Rose Caucus that’s not just a slogan.

  • Until now, all the fundraising work Rose Caucus has done on behalf of our slate has gone straight to candidates. To build a staff bench that can support the next wave of candidates, however, is

  •  ...Read more

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